Monday 13 December 2010

Yangshou China countryside for 3 days

This was definitely one of my highlights - the scenery was breathtaking, i have never seen something like that before. Think the photos will try show you why but it wont do it any justice (any cotton wool in my ears in any photos is a result of my ear drums bursting, and doing it properly i managed to burst both so the cotton wool could be coming out of 1 or both ears)

 Cycling around the country side, looking good in our helmets

Fi and i did a cooking class while in Yangshou (think James was happy he missed that while he unfortunately had to go to the UK for 2 days for his citizenship). The chef took us to the local market first, it was quite an experience.

Anyone tried dried rat (left) or dried pigeon (right)
 Or how about dog?? We werent allowed to take photos of the dog too close but you can still get an idea of how shocking this was to see. Fi was very upset to see the live cats alongside these dead dogs, we assume they were just awaiting their fate ...

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