Saturday 4 December 2010

Goodbye India Hello China

3 weeks ago our time in India (although only 1 week) was up. It was a gruelling week, where we struggled a lot with the dust, rubbish and dirt that was always around. But without sounding too negative, i enjoyed India for what it is and would recommend everyone to get there. |The colours are so vibrant and the people are so happy with what they have. I wont be going back to seeing any of the places we visited but may at some stage try Mumbai / Goa.

This was our last night in Jaipur, knowing we were flying to Delhi the next day and then off to China (see the smiles!)

Arriving in Beijing, I was pleasantly surprised. Its a very modern city in some parts but contains so much history dating back more than 2000 years - unbelievable. The 'order' that was all around was a welcome change but the FREEZING winter was not expected after hot India.

Our first visit was the Great Wall. I cant explain how amazing this structure is, which stretches more than 6000kms all the way from the Gobi desert in the West to the coast in the East of China. And built 2000 years ago. Mind boggling. Here are some pics from the wall. Definitely one of my highlights of China.

Next day we visited the famous Tianeman Square, its massive. 40 football pitches can fit in the square. You cant comprehend the size of it.
Forbidden City was the next stop, it was strange to think how the emperors over 24 dynasties stayed in this palace. Very beautiful though and a real landmark of Beijing

Beijing and China wouldnt be complete without one of its whacky "meals" - hungry anyone??

So all in all a great start to the next instalment of the trip ...

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