Friday 7 January 2011

Uyuni salt flats and desert

After La Paz we headed to Uyuni for a 3 day 4X4 excursion in Solar de Uyuni - some of the most spectacular scenery I have ever seen. Definitely a must see if anyone is ever in Bolivia

Our first stop was to the train "cemetry" where the old trains from 100 years agohave been abandoned on the side of the railway line. This was the railway between Potosi (our next stop) and Chile carrying the minerals from the mines.

And then on to the spectacular sat flats - the photos speak for themselves ...

Fun photos on the salt lake - this kept us busy for a while!

Our first night was spent in a hotel on the side of the lakes, in a hotel made of salt - literally. Look at the salt on the ground

Next day we saw the only active volcano in the area (behind me below)
And then on to the flamingo lakes

And the famous "Tree Rock"-  old volcanic rock eroded from the strong winds in the area

And then on to where we stayed for the second night - Laguna Colorado. This lake is multi coloured due to all the salt and minerals in the land. The area is very rich in all kinds of minerals.

Our third started very early with a visit to the geysers
 and the hot springs

On our way back through the desert area - looks like a road to nowhere
Although we were very happy to get back after feeling very dusty and wind swept after the 3 days, the scenery we saw was definitely worth it!

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